The MEMS and NEMS Technology Group (MN) program will spotlight recent advances in the diverse fields of micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). This year’s program will cover the latest fundamental studies of novel materials and processes, cutting-edge devices, and emerging applications of MEMS/NEMS across various sectors. Four major sessions on Tuesday encompass the topics of Bio-MEMS, Radio Frequency (RF) and Magnetic MEMS, MEMS Sensing and Computation, and Heterogenous Integration and Packaging. Synergizing with the Quantum Science and Technology Mini-Symposium (QS), the latest progress in quantum MEMS/NEMS and quantum phononics will be highlighted in the Monday afternoon joint session (MoA-Materials + Devices for Quantum Systems). Topics related to resonant low-dimensional materials and strain engineering will be covered in the Friday morning joint session (FrM- 2D NEMS and Strain Engineering).
MN1-TuM: RF and Magnetic MEMS
- Reza Abdolvand, University of Central Florida, “Acoustoelectric Devices on Thin-Film Piezoelectric on Substrate Platform: Harnessing the Potential of Phonon-Electron Coupling”
MN2-TuM: Heterogeneous Integration and Packaging
- Robert Patti, NHanced Semiconductors Inc, “Advanced Packaging Driven Heterogeneous Integration”
MN1-TuA: Bio and Environmental MEMS
- Reza Ghodssi, University of Maryland, College Park, “Gaede-Langmuir Award Talk: Ingestible Technologies for Disease Assessment and Treatment in the Gastrointestinal Tract”
MN2-TuA: MEMS Sensing and Computation
MN-ThP: MEMS and NEMS Poster Session