Actinide and Rare Earth Focus Topic: Actinides and rare earths exhibit unique and diverse physical, chemical, and magnetic properties resulting from the complexity of the 5f and 4f electronic structures. The Actinide and Rare Earth Focus Topic Session concentrates on the fundamental chemistry, physics, materials, and interface science of f-electron materials with an emphasis on all aspects of nuclear technology, while facilitating the involvement of early career scientists. The role of fundamental f-electron science in resolving challenges posed by actinide chemistry and materials will be central, particularly with regard to topics such as separation science, nuclear fuels, structural materials, nuclear energy processes, nuclear safeguards/forensics, and stewardship. Contemporary experimental approaches, including synchrotron radiation-based investigations and emerging techniques, all coupled to theory, will be featured too.
AC+MI-ThM: Superconductivity, Electron Correlation, Magnetism and Complex Behavior
- Shin-ichi Fujimori, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, “Electronic Structures of f-Electron Superconductors”
- William Knafo, LNCMI, CNRS, France, “Incommensurate Antiferromagnetism in UTe2 Under Pressure”
- Andrea Severing, Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, “New Spectroscopic Insights into Correlation Effects and Covalency of U 5f Electrons in Uranium Intermetallic Compounds”
- Liu Hao Tjeng, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany, “RIXS Study of the 5f Configuration in UTe2: Low-Energy Excitations, Te2 Chains and U Dimers”
AC+MI-ThA: Forensics, Disposal and Pu
- Mark Croce, Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Making Use of X-ray Emission Signatures in the Scanning Electron Microscope to Understand f-Element Speciation and Phase”
- Stuart Dunn, AWE, UK, “A New Approach for Nuclear Forensics Investigations of Uranium Dioxide: Application of Laboratory-Based Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Hard and Soft X-ray Sources”
AC-ThP: Actinides and Rare Earths Poster Session
AC+MI-FrM: Actinide and Rare Earth Chemistry and Physics
- Christopher Dares, Florida International University, “The Use of Ligand Modified Electrodes as Electrocatalysts for Actinide Redox Chemistry”
- Madhab Neupane, University of Central Florida, “Observation of Flat Bands in Rare-Earth Based Kagome Metals”
- Ping Yang, Los Alamos National Laboratory, “Structure, Stability, and Chemistry of Actinide Nanoparticles”