The Atomic Scale Processing Focus Topic is aimed at providing a unique forum to expand the scope of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) processes toward understanding the fundamentals needed to achieve true atomic scale precision and the application of such processing on various areas of interest to the broader AVS community. The topic is composed of 5 oral sessions from Monday morning to Wednesday morning with 6 posters at the Thursday night poster session. The emphasis will be on synergistic efforts, across multiple AVS divisions and groups, to generate area-selective processes as well as novel characterization methods to advance the field of processing at the atomic scale. We are excited to offer our sessions in collaboration with the PSTD, the TFD, as well as the EMPD and 2DM, focusing on area selective deposition, thermal and plasma-based ALD, and ALE, including combined ALD/ALE approaches for integration and improved film performance by atomic layer annealing (ALA).
AP+PS+TF-TuA: Atomic Layer Etching III: Plasma Processes
- Heeyeop Chae, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Republic of Korea, “Atomic Layer Etching with Plasma Processing for Semiconductor Device Fabrication”
AP+EM+PS+TF-MoM: Area Selective Deposition (ASD) I
- Ebony Mays, Micron Technology, “Unlocking the Atomic Canvas: Applications and Challenges of Area Selective Deposition in Next-Generation Memory Devices”
- Tania E. Sandoval, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Dept. Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Chile, “Selectivity Loss During Area-Selective Deposition Processes: The Role of Chemical Passivation and Steric Shielding”
AP1+EM+PS+TF-MoA: Area Selective Deposition (ASD) II
- Kandabara Tapily, TEL Technology Center, America, LLC, “Area Selective Deposition: Advances, Challenges and Future Technology Enablement”
AP1+EM+PS+TF-TuM: Atomic Layer Etching I: Thermal Processes
- Jane P. Chang, University of California, Los Angeles, “Examination of Atomic Layer Etch Mechanisms by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”
- Nobuya Miyoshi, Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc., “Highly Selective and Isotropic Atomic Layer Etching using Dry Chemical Removal”
AP1+EM+PS+TF-WeM: Energy-Enhanced Atomic Layer Processing
AP2+EM+PS+TF-MoA: Modeling and Simulations of Atomic Layer Processing
- Bonggeun Shong, Hongik University, Republic of Korea, “Atomistic Simulations on the Fundamental Aspects of Atomic Layer Processing (ALP)”
AP2+EM+PS+TF-TuM: Atomic Layer Etching II: Energy-Enhanced Processes
- Austin Minnich, California Institute of Technology, “Atomic Layer Etching of Lithium Niobate for Quantum Photonics”
AP2+EM+PS+TF-WeM: New Advances in Atomic Layer Deposition
AP-ThP: Atomic Scale Processing Mini-Symposium Poster Session